duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

♕Queen of the party ♕

Hair: [e] Abbey - Black 04
Shape: [Hush] - Summer - Shape
Skin: al vulo- Aisha* Lil blonde brow olive
Eyes make-up: Son!a Fairy face Tattoo silver
Dress+ Shoes: baii maii 033 satindress/bow/boots/mesh 3 styles
Crown: -LaViere- Fake Plastic Crown
Tattoo: .Identity.  - Rich Girl 
Bracelets.:* LOULOU&CO *:. - Bracelet  NOSTALGIA
Gloves: Cheerno.POKER Gloves [Silver]
Necklace: (NS) Rock'n'Rolla Chain
Collar: [R3] - Kali Collar Pitted Black [V3] 

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